Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wampanoag Adventures

Students are currently immersed in Wampanoag history, life and culture. Our social studies books have taken the boys and girls back to Wampanoag life before the Pilgrims' arrival in 1620. Once the English "coatmen" arrived, life was very different and would never be the same. 

Students have learned that the first Thanksgiving was much more than a  dinner with lots of food. They have been differentiating between the myths and facts of this historical harvest celebration. 

Today, the boys and girls created their very own Native American names! They displayed them along with a special symbol on a piece of "animal hide". 

This was followed up with a Wampanoag journal activity, where students wrote about a day in the life of a Wampanoag child. 

Using facts from gathered from various sources, they created some very believable entries, complete with wetus, mishoons, and the three sisters. 

Wampanoag families dressed differently in winter than in summer.

Here are some homemade wetus!

Here are a few great links to check out at home:

Plimoth Plantation Just for Kids:

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